Choosing A Better Budgeting ProgramChoosing A Better Budgeting Program

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Choosing A Better Budgeting Program

About a year ago, I could tell that things weren't going my way when it came to my money. I was having a hard time paying my bills, and it was really stressful. I knew that I needed to make things right, so I started looking into different budgeting programs to see what could help. I was able to find a plan that also had a smartphone application so that I could take care of my bills no matter where I was. The difference that it made in my life was amazing. Before I knew it, I was able to climb out of debt and save a little money. This blog is here to teach you to do the same thing.

Defendants Remain Accountable And Out Of Trouble When Working With Bail Bonds Professionals

Beth Chapman, the co-star of television's "Dog the Bounty Hunter", has ventured to the halls of Connecticut's state capitol to lobby against a proposed bail bonds bill. The bill seeks to make a major change to state law by eliminating the need to post surety bonds when charged with a misdemeanor. While this may seem helpful to someone who is experiencing troubles with the law, failure to work with a bondsman could lead to serious problems.

Chapman suggests passing this law would be a huge mistake since defendants may become less accountable when not working with a bail bondsman. Under most circumstances, defendants are sometimes better served securing release through a bondsman rather than on solely their own. Regardless of state laws or statutes, working with a bail bondsman is probably a good idea for someone facing misdemeanor charges. By maintaining a professional relationship with a bondsman, the defendant may avoid more serious charges or situations.

Representation Supports Accountability

Accountability is, in essence, a combination of taking personal responsibility and doing the right thing. Those who have never navigated the court systems before might make mistakes due to poor judgment or lack of knowledge. By working with a bondsman, a defendant can maximize accountability by working with a bondsman who has the client's best interests in mind. In addition to putting up money to secure a release, a bondsman may also:

  • Provide a detailed explanation of what could constitute a revocation of a bond or what circumstance would lead the defendant back to prison. People do violate the law without knowing they did anything wrong. A bondsman's counsel could keep a client on the proper legal path.

  • Assist defendants when mitigating circumstances lead to being unable to appear in court. In the case of the death of an immediate family member, the defendant can contact the bondsman to inform the court of the situation and avoid being labeled a fugitive.

  • Set up a surrender with a bail agent (bounty hunter) if the person becomes a fugitive. This way, potentially dangerous interactions with law enforcement are avoided.

Without the help of a bondsman, things could end up being more difficult for the defendant and even the courts. Removing the bondsman from the equation just might remove an important component to increased accountability.

Accountability Outside the Courts

Defendants also have to be accountable to their personal and professional responsibilities. When a bondsman secures release and keeps the process running smooth, the client is able to take care of family and work responsibilities. As such, anyone who is facing troubles with the law should seek out the help of a bail bond service, like Betty Bail Bonds, and avoid going it alone.